

Monday, 12 September 2016

(SHAMELESS!) Sugar Daddies fight over lover

Two sugar daddies engaged themselves in a show of shame as they fought over a girl who was playing them. According to an eyewitness, the Kenyan men met themselves at their sugar baby’s (is that what they call them?) house, and the meeting turned into a very unpleasant one.
The two men had turned up unannounced at their 23-year-old lover’s house, and were shocked when they discovered they were there for the same purpose. According to the eyewitness, one of the men was already sleeping with the girl inside the house before the other one walked in and saw them. Here’s what the eyewitness said:
“On the night of Thursday, September 8, I was walking home when I decided to take a detour from my house because a crowd had already gathered along Lumumba drive, a short distance from the Thika Road Mall (TRM). There were shouts and screams from an apartment that is just opposite a carwash. No one was sure what was happening at the time and we assumed that a couple was fighting. That was until two elderly men appeared on the balcony of the one-bedroom apartment fighting each other with the ferocity of charged bulls. From the balcony, they walked downstairs to a porch outside the apartment clutching at each other collars and shouting angrily. The origin of the fight we made out, was the fact that they had crashed at the same woman’s house whose expenses they were paying, unknownst to each other. The woman in question turned out to be a 23-year-old accounting student at KCA who was having an affair with the two men.
On this fateful night, one of the men who had been furnishing her house came visiting for the usual perks of a sponsor (sugar daddy), she had in the hurry to carnally please her blesser(sugar daddy), forgotten to lock her door securely. The other man also decided to pass by, bearing in his hands, gifts for his young plaything. He got a rude shock when he found the girl and another man having sex on the couch in her sitting room; angry at the betrayal, he demanded an explanation as the other man stood up and wore his pants. What followed was the enactment of the third world war.
The fight was stopped by residents who first, enjoyed a free boxing match.

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